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EMPODERAR CIUDADANOS: Donar Para Empoderar /

Unete a #EmpoderarCiudadanos, una recaudacion de fondos para crear una comunidad maz fuerte con la ciudadania. Su donacion, no importa la cantidad, tendra un impacto significante. Juntos podemos apoyar a mas personas en el Condado de Orange convertirse en ciudadanos y transformarse en lideres activos en la comunidad.
Join our #EmpowerCitizens campaign and pay it forward for a stronger community. Your donation, no matter the size, will make a significant impact. Together, we can help more individuals gain the tools and knowledge they need to become active, engaged citizens.
Anaheim Accountability & Transparency Project
Anaheim Accountability and Transparency Project aims to investigate corporate influence in Anaheim and the current crisis of political corruption and public confidence in the City. This project understands that public corruption has been a longstanding but heretofore unknown barrier to systems change that would address the city’s under-resourced schools and neighborhoods, overcrowded and unaffordable housing, and over-policing of people of color, all of which have had a long-term, negative impact on community health.
The Anaheim Corruption Crisis
The crisis has already led to the resignation of former Mayor Harry Sidhu and a guilty plea on federal fraud charges by former Chamber of Commerce CEO Todd Ament. In an affidavit from a lawsuit over the City’s alleged violation of the State Surplus Lands Act, the FBI described a “covert group of individuals that wield significant influence over the inner workings of Anaheim’s government.”
The FBI’s allegations, which appear to be part of an ongoing investigation, call into question a wide range of policy decisions that have advanced corporate interests ahead of community health needs in Anaheim, both upstream and downstream. Examples include selling Angel Stadium and the surrounding land to a developer group led by the team’s owner without considering bids from affordable housing developers, quashing a local rent control ordinance, and giving $6.5 million in COVID-19 relief funds to the city’s convention and visitor bureau rather than addressing immediate needs of low-income residents and essential workers.
The FBI’s allegations, which appear to be part of an ongoing investigation, call into question a wide range of policy decisions that have advanced corporate interests ahead of community health needs in Anaheim, both upstream and downstream. Examples include selling Angel Stadium and the surrounding land to a developer group led by the team’s owner without considering bids from affordable housing developers, quashing a local rent control ordinance, and giving $6.5 million in COVID-19 relief funds to the city’s convention and visitor bureau rather than addressing immediate needs of low-income residents and essential workers.